DimaFix Spray_711
DimaFix Spray_711

DimaFix Spray

Opnå perfekte printresultater hver gang med DimaFix Spray. Denne unikke spray sikrer optimal klæbning til din 3D printer's bed, selv med materialer som ABS/ASA, der kan være svære at få til at klæbe. DimaFix er specielt designet til brug med heatbed og højtemperaturs materialer, og virker bedst når heatbed er over 70°C.

  • Undgå warping: DimaFix sikrer, at dine print forbliver stabile og undgår warping under printprocessen.
  • Nem fjernelse: Når din print er færdig og bed køles ned, slipper DimaFix selv klæbningen, hvilket gør det utrolig let at fjerne dit print.
  • Let at rengøre: DimaFix er vandopløselig, så du kan nemt rengøre din printer's bed med vand.

Så gør dit 3D print nemmere og mere pålideligt med DimaFix Spray - den ultimative løsning til perfekt klæbning hver gang.

Ikke på lager
12,69 € 



  • It provides great grip between plastic and glass, so warping is not a problem even in large ABS parts.
  • You will be able to print in all kind of thermoplastic materials.
  • The adhesion property will be activated when the Heated Bed’s temperature is higher than 50ºC.
  • While the bed is hot the adhesive effect will be working even in large prints.
  • When the Heated Bed’s temperature goes down (40-50ºC) the adhesion effect disappears and the model will be easily detached.
  • It is soluble so it is easy to clean only with water.
  • It has a long useful life (more than 100 uses).

The first layers in the printing process will be fixed with Dimafix at the hot Heated Bed in the point where the part will be printing. This action avoids unintended effects or warping. Once the printing process is ending and the Heated Bed’s temperature is under 50ºC the model can be removed without any effort from the bed and no tools, that would damage the part, are required.


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